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Autumn Berries
Autumn Berries
by Joy Sykes
Autumnal berries TIP- PowerPoint Slide Size- The ideal way to insert into PowerPoint is:- • Reduce the image size to 1024x768 pixels using your image editing software. (Will reduce image proportionally) • Insert as Picture in the normal way. • If needed fill the slide area by pla
Golden Harvest
Golden Harvest
by Joy Sykes
TIP- PowerPoint Slide Size- The ideal way to insert into PowerPoint is:- • Reduce the image size to 1024x768 pixels using your image editing software. (Will reduce image proportionally) • Insert as Picture in the normal way. • If needed fill the slide area by placing the image in
the historical character of Jesus - 9b The plurality of the canonical Jesus
the historical character of Jesus - 9b The plurality of the canonical Jesus
by SPCK - David Allen
The plurality of the canonical Jesus As a minimum, our analysis has revealed the diversity of the images of Jesus located under the canonical umbrella, the way in which his identity is named and expressed in a variety of fashions…
PAUL AND THE FAITHFULNESS OF GOD - From Story to Question: the Implicit Phariasic Worldview
PAUL AND THE FAITHFULNESS OF GOD - From Story to Question: the Implicit Phariasic Worldview
by SPCK - N T Wright
Chapter TWO LIKE BIRDS HOVERING OVERHEAD: THE FAITHFULNESS OF THE GOD OF ISRAEL (vi) From Story to Question: the Implicit Pharisaic Worldview Praxis, symbol and story lead the eye to the implicit questions which, we have argued, can be raised within any worldview. Who are we, whe
Simply Good News - Good Advice, Wrong News